Click on image for more information.
Tool Number | Tool Name |
CGRGE1XL | Creative Grids XL Stripology Ruler |
Tool Number | Tool Name |
CGRTMT3 | Creative Grids Perfect Rectangle |
DT13 | Studio 180 Designs Split Rects |
DT18 | Studio 180 Designs Diamond Rects |
Tool Number | Tool Name |
TOAR | Triangles On A Roll |
BlocLocHST | Bloc Loc Half Square Triangles |
Tool Number | Tool Name |
R98 | Omnigrid 8" Quarter Square Triangle Ruler |
Tool Number | Tool Name |
CGRT60 | Creative Grids 8" Finished 60° Triangle Ruler |
CGRTKAL45 | Creative Gids Kaleidoscope & Dresden Plate Triangle Ruler |
JT-1731 | June Tailor Easy Equals 60 Degree Ruler |
TC-Right | TruCut Right Angle Triangle 90? Ruler |
TC-60Degree | TruCut Triangle 60 Degree Ruler |
Tool Number | Tool Name |
CGRDH4 | Creative Grids Ultimate Flying Geese Ruler |
CGRMSFG4590 | Creative Grids 6" Flying Geese and 45 90 Ruler |
Tool Number | Tool Name |
CGREU2 | Creative Grids 45° Diamond Dimensions Ruler |
CGR60DIA | Creative Grids 60° Diamond Ruler Large |
CGR60DIAMINI | Creative Grids 60° Diamond Ruler Mini |
JT-799 | June Tailor Diamond Cut Ruler |
Tool Number | Tool Name |
CGRSM1 | Creative Grids 4-in-1 Hexie Ruler |
CGRJAW4 | Creative Grids Hexagon Trim Tool |
Tool Number | Tool Name |
CGRJAW1 | Creative Grids 8" Log Cabin Trim Tool |
CGRJAW2 | Creative Grids Log Cabin Trim Tool Two |
CGRJAW5 | Creative Grids 8" Curvy Log Cabin Trim Tool |
CGRJAW6 | Creative Grids 6" Curvy Log Cabin Trim Tool |
CGRJAW10 | Creative Grids 10" Log Cabin Trim Tool Duo |
CGRJAW13 | Creative Grids 10" Wonky Log Cabin Trim Tool |
CGRJAWMN4 | Creative Gride 4" Log Cabin Trim Tool |
CGRJAWMN6 | Creative Gride 6" Log Cabin Trim Tool |
CGRJAW6MINI | Creative Grids 4" Curvy Log Cabin Trim Tool |
Tool Number | Tool Name |
CGRJAW3 | Creative Grids Pineapple Trim Tool |
CGRJAW12 | Creative Grids 12" Skinny Pineapple Trim Tool |
CGRJAW3MINI | Creative Grids Mini Pineapple Trim Tool |
Tool Number | Tool Name |
EZTriRecs | EZ Quilting Tri Recs Tool |
DT12 | Studio 180 Designs V Block |
Tool Number | Tool Name |
DT14 | Studio 180 Designs Corner Beam |
TC-Kite | TruCut Kite Ruler |
Tool Number | Tool Name |
DT09 | Studio 180 Designs Square Squared: Half Inch |
DT10 | Studio 180 Designs Large Square Squared |
DT11 | Studio 180 Designs Square Squared: Half Inch |
OG-On-Point-Ruler | OmniGrip On Point Ruler |
Tool Number | Tool Name |
CGRPERF10 | Creative Grids Perfect 10 Ruler |
OG-1010-Ruler | Omnigrip 10" Square Ruler |
MS-1010 | Missouri Star 10" Square Ruler |
MS-1010T | Missouri Star 10" Square Template |
RB-1010-Ruler | Riley Blake Designs Cute Cuts 10" Ruler |
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